Recruiting experts in Zurich - jobs in Zurich | Hays (2025)

Your recruitment agencyin Zurich

Your recruitment services provider in Zurich welcomes you!

As a leading personnel services company in Zurich, Hays brings companies and specialists together in the Zurich metropolitan area. Centrally located between the Swiss National Museum and Lake Zurich, we adapt to your individual needs, offering you a team of experts with excellent market expertise as well as a wide variety of contractual models. Since 1999, our experts in the heart of Zurich have been advising you on everything you want to know about personnel recruitment, types of employment contracts and your search for new challenges on your professional journey.

Whether you're after speed and flexibility through temporary employment, contract-based independent recruitment for projects or quick and reliable hiring for long-term permanent employment – we adapt to the needs of our partner companies and applicants, working together to find what you are looking for.

Jobseekers: APPLY HERE

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Davide Addamo
Office Manager

Beethovenstraße 19
8002 Zürich

T: +41 44 225 52 02

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Are you looking for technical or managerial experts in Zurich?

Do you need highly specialised experts? Thanks to our access to special industry knowledge and our extensive pool of applicants we can suggest suitable candidates to you within a very short time. Our team of experts focusses on your needs to find the right specialists for the vacancy you would like to fill.

Find your staff

Are you looking for a job in the metropolitan area of Zurich?

Would you like to get a new job but have neither the time nor the energy for a time-consuming job hunt and lengthy application processes? Then let us do the work for you. All we need from you is your detailed profile and what you expect from your new challenge. We will then start searching and contact you as soon as we have found a suitable position for you in Zurich. Quickly, easily and free of charge.

Find current job offers or projects in Zurich

Your benefits when working with Hays in Zurich

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Recruiting experts in Zurich - jobs in Zurich | Hays (4)
Recruiting experts in Zurich - jobs in Zurich | Hays (5)

Impressed partner companies and keen applicants – it's a win-win

As a leading personnel service provider in Zurich, we impress not only with our site in a prime location but mostly with our access to a global network of partner companies and applicants as well as excellent connections with the business world. We can be your centralised recruitment consulting contact in Zurich for managing your needs. We always do the best we can to successfully bring renown companies and highly qualified specialists together.

Personnel recruitment in Zurich: We'll find the right employees for your company

Our headquarters for personnel recruitment in Zurich are located in the heart of Zurich, near the botanical garden. For more than 50 years we have been working as a personnel service provider to advertise jobs for companies and refer specialists for positions as a reliable, competent intermediary. At our location in Zurich, we focus on six specialist areas. We know that not all business sectors have the same requirements. Therefore, we focus on select industries, build in-depth expertise and are therefore able to promise you a high recruiting rate.

You can rely on our expertise in the following six subject areas:

  • Finance
  • Construction & Property
  • Engineering
  • IT
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Life Sciences

We’ll be happy to welcome you face-to-face at our location, perform a tailored needs analysis and discuss your requirements for highly specialised technical and managerial leaders.

With a good understanding of your needs and access to our extensive networks and further services such as active sourcing, we’ll be looking for your future candidates. We can establish contact between company and applicants within 24 hours. If all goes well and you want to hire the candidate, Hays will take care of the contract. There's no quicker and easier way to find your future qualified personnel.

Whether it is permanent employment, support from temporary employment in Zurich or experienced leaders for a temporary position: you can benefit from our extensive networks of candidates to make sure your vacancies are quickly filled. We’ll be happy to also perform the complete Workforce management for you. See for yourself the benefits of collaborating with us, and fill in the form to fill vacancies.

Vacancies in Zurich – working in the heart of Switzerland’s finance, media and creative industries

Looking for a new job that suits you can be long-winded and time-consuming. Questions such as: “What sort of company do I want to work for in the future?” or “What should my application look like?” are not that easy to answer given the large amount of available positions. That’s why we help you with your job hunt in Zurich and its surrounding area, and support you in all things job applications. But that’s not all. Our team of experts will also be happy to look for your dream job and present positions not (yet) advertised – our close ties to industry leaders mean we often get the first look at new vacancies. So sit back and enjoy being invited to an interview at such renown companies as Arvato Systems, Bertelsmann, BMW, Migros, Swisscom or the Zurich Kantonalbank.

Let’s find your new job together. Just fill in our application form for unsolicited applications. Based on this information, we will send you job offers tailored to your needs. Or you may want to check if you can find an interesting position for yourself in our job portal for Zurich.

Profit from our customer network in Zurich

We will gladly take over the job search for you and give you the opportunity to get to know different industries and technologies. We cooperate with interesting companies such as, SwissRe, der Zürcher Kantonalbank and many more.

Take a look at some more of our customers in Switzerland.

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Accessibility: Our branch is barrier-free accessible. A disabled WC is located in the stairwell.

Hays (Schweiz) AG

Beethovenstraße 19
T: +41 44 225 50 00

Reception is located on the 4th floor.
We wish you a good journey and look forward to your visit!

Parking: City car park oder car park Urania

  • Parking garage Bleicherweg, Beethovenstrasse 35, 8002 Zurich, Switzerland
  • Parking garage Park Hyatt Zurich, Gotthardstrasse 27, 8002 Zurich, Switzerland

Public Transport: Proceed from main train station with the lines 6, 7,11 or to the Stockerstrasse stop.

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For businesses

What we offer

We are your strategic and operational partner for personnel solutions and consulting.

Our services

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For applicants

Career centre

Find answers to all your questions about your application and your next career step.

To our career centre

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About Hays

The recruiting of the future

Find out how our new recruiting concept works, and how we find perfect matches.

The Haysrecruiting concept

Top job offers in Zurich

Discover all current job offers in Zurich

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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Views: 6309

Rating: 4 / 5 (51 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.